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3/4″ x 1 1/2″ #1 Common Red Oak

$4.79 sq. ft.

Product Price


This 1 1/2 Inch Wide #1 common unfinished solid red oak hardwood flooring might just be the perfect match for your old 1 1/2″ red oak hardwood floors.

This flooring will occasionally have a small knot here and there and will display a rather lively grain pattern, and nice color variation throughout the product.

This flooring is 3/4″ thickness, 1 1/2″ (1.5″) wide boards, and comes in random lengths from 1 to 7 feet long. Features include Tongue & Groove milling and square edges for quick, easy installation and a tight fit.

Additional information

Weight 3.5 lbs
Min order bundle(s) / carton(s)


Square Feet Per Bundle / cartons





1 1/2"




Random Lengths from 1 to 7 Feet

Install Method

Nail Down or Staple Down

Milling Profile

Tongue & Groove




#1 Common

Wood Specie

Red Oak

Construction Type

Solid Hardwood Flooring

Country Of Origin

Made in USA

Janka Hardness Rating


Minimum Length


Maximum Length


Production Time

In Stock – Ready to Ship

Lead Time

In Stock – Ready to Ship



Edge Profile

Square Edges & Ends

Underlayment & Padding

Name Description
Hardwood Flooring Underlayment - Moisture Retarder Paper - $89/Roll - Free Shipping
500 SF roll of hardwood flooring underlayment. For use with all types of engineered and solid hardwood flooring for nail or staple down applications over wooden subfloors. FREE SHIPPING.
$89.00Buy Now

Unfinished Red Oak Transition Strips & Moldings

Name Description
Unfinished Red Oak Stair Nosing - 3/4" x 5 1/2"
5 1/2" Wide x 94" Long - This Unfinished Red Oak Stair Nosing can be used wherever your red oak flooring approaches a step down, such as the edge of a stair landing, loft, and the front of each step of your staircase. This unfinished red oak stair nosing is made up of one single piece of solid hardwood. The stairnosing is 3/4" thick at the back where it meets up to the hardwood flooring, and the front edge is 1 1/16" thick and features a bull-nosed edge all the way across. This stair nosing is 5 1/2" wide. $59.00Buy Now
Unfinished Red Oak Stair Nosing - 3/4" x 3 1/2"
3 1/2" Wide x 94" Long - This Unfinished Red Oak Stair Nosing can be used wherever your red oak flooring approaches a step down, such as the edge of a stair landing, loft, and the front of each step of your staircase. This unfinished red oak stair nosing is made up of one single piece of solid hardwood. The stairnosing is 3/4" thick at the back where it meets up to the hardwood flooring, and the front edge is 1 1/16" thick and features a bull-nosed edge all the way across. $46.50Buy Now
Common red oak hardwood flooring
3/4″ x 1 1/2″ #1 Common Red Oak
$4.79 sq. ft.