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5/16″ x 1 1/2″ Select & Better Rift & Quarter Sawn Top Nail White Oak Flooring

$6.59 sq. ft.

Product Price


This Quartersawn & Rift White Oak is the ultimate Top Nail flooring! The ribbon and fleck grain is truly fit your any castle (including yours). The Top Nail aesthetic is charming and reminiscent of a bygone era of craftsman and french country homes throughout the USA. The rows of nails offer a pleasing appeal that is hard to beat, and these floors are a great match when doing repairs and additions to older homes that already have these types of floors existing.

This top nail White Oak flooring is 5/16″ thick solid hardwood in 1 1/2″ wide boards, and comes in random lengths up to 7 feet long!

This square edge flooring has NO tongue and groove milling. This hardwood is intended to be installed by face-nailing, also called Top Nail. If you are doing a rather large job with the face-nail method, you may want to ask us about the HighPRO 5/16″ Top Nailer designed specifically for installing 5/16″ thick hardwood flooring!

This is the Select & Better Rift & Quarter Sawn version of our 5/16 Solid White Oak. Rift & Quartered White Oak features a straight grain pattern and the ribbon and fleck throughout the grain that makes Rift & Quartersawn white oak so popular. White Oak flooring that is Rift & Quarter Sawn is also more dimensionally stable than plain-sawn floors, so this flooring is more resistant to the effects of changes in the moisture levels in the air and sub-flooring.

Additional information

Weight 2.5 lbs
Min order bundle(s) / carton(s)


Square Feet Per Bundle / cartons



1 1/2"




Random Lengths from 1 to 7 Feet

Install Method

Face Nail or Glue Down

Milling Profile

Square Edge with NO Tongue & Groove




Select & Better

Wood Specie

White Oak

Construction Type

Solid Hardwood Flooring

Country Of Origin

Made in USA

Janka Hardness Rating


Minimum Length


Maximum Length


Special Features

Rift & Quarter Sawn

Production Time

Usually 1 to 2 Weeks

Lead Time

Please Allow 1 – 2 Weeks For Manufacturing


Random Lengths



Edge Profile

Square Edges & Ends

Unfinished White Oak Moldings & Transition Strips

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78" Long and 2" Wide - Use this Unfinished Rift & Quartered White Oak T-Molding Transition Strip where your hardwood floor meets up to any other hard surface flooring of equal or nearly-equal height. If your hardwood floor is transitioning to another hard surface floor that is 1/4" higher or lower, you should consider a Threshold instead of a T-Mold. $52.50Buy Now

Underlayment & Padding

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500 SF roll of hardwood flooring underlayment. For use with all types of engineered and solid hardwood flooring for nail or staple down applications over wooden subfloors. FREE SHIPPING.
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5/16″ x 1 1/2″ Select & Better Rift & Quarter Sawn Top Nail White Oak Flooring
$6.59 sq. ft.