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Engineered Flooring vs. Laminate Flooring: Making the Choice

With the last vestiges of winter dissipating, the feeling of springtime fills the air. This is a time for rejuvenation and rebirth, not to mention thoughts of sprucing up the homestead with the chore of spring cleaning and other various DIY projects. Of these, the thought of installing a new floor might be on your mind. A new floor can create an aesthetic that instantly turns your house into a home and gives you that warm, comforting feeling that so many homeowners want to experience.

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5 Reasons You Should Choose Hardwood Floors

For homeowners, the task of turning any house into a home can be quite the arduous one. With so many options and styles to choose from to when planning any type of remodeling work, making the right decision can sometimes feel overwhelming. Nowhere is this more apparent than choosing what to replace your floor with. That carpet tracks in dirt and is beginning to develop an unsightly odor. There’s a solution for that—say goodbye to the world of carpet forever and embrace the hardwood floor. We’ve made a list of reasons why it’s a good idea.

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My Wood Floor Squeaks—What Does this Mean?

Owning a hardwood floor can be very advantageous. Unlike carpet which tracks in dirt and malodourous smells, a hardwood floor is durable and much easier to maintain over a lengthy period. Upkeep is essential to getting the most out of your floor, and you might have noticed a squeaking sound emanating from certain spots. It’s not the end of the world, and finding out the cause is much easier than you think.

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Selecting the Best Type of Wood for Your Floor

Renovating your home is a lot of work. Aside from the toil of the job, there’s planning, budgeting, getting the right team together, acquiring the proper permits, and what material you’ll be using to make your vision come true. When it comes to installing a hardwood floor, different types of wood have unique aesthetics and characteristics that make them ideal for different locations. Let’s find out the differences to help you decide what you “wood” choose.

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