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3 1/4″ #3 Common Unfinished Solid White Oak Flooring

$1.19 sq. ft.

Product Price


In this #3 Common Grade White Oak Flooring you should expect a variety of natural imperfections like knots, mineral streaks (dark streaks in the wood that are naturally occurring) and rather extreme color variation.

This #3 common grade white oak flooring is a value-based product. Expect a high percentage of waste in this grade, sometimes up to 35%.

What to expect in #3 Common White Oak hardwood flooring:

  • Extreme color variation
  • Plenty of Knots – both sound AND open knot-holes
  • Splits & Cracks
  • Broken Tongues & Grooves
  • This is a random length product, and ships in 7 foot bundles, however, don’t expect many of the longer pieces in this grade of flooring

Additional information

Weight 3.5 lbs
Min order bundle(s) / carton(s)


Square Feet Per Bundle / cartons



3 1/4"




Random Lengths

Install Method

Nail Down or Staple Down

Milling Profile

Tongue & Groove




#3 Common

Wood Specie

White Oak

Construction Type

Solid Hardwood Flooring

Janka Hardness Rating


Production Time

Varies – Please Call 1-800-689-9006

Lead Time

Stock Item



Edge Profile

Square Edges & Ends


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Unfinished White Oak Moldings & Transition Strips

Name Description
Unfinished White Oak Stair Nosing - 3/4" x 3 1/2"
94" Long and 3 1/2" Wide for use with 3/4" Thick Flooring - Use this 3 1/2" Wide Unfinished White Oak Stair Nosing on steps and any other place where your hardwood will approach the edge of a step up or a step down. The front nose is 1 Inch thick, and features a bullnose (half round) all the way across the front. The opposite side of the stair nosing has a groove to receive the tongue of your hardwood flooring. $59.00Buy Now
Unfinished White Oak Stair Nosing - 3/4" x 5 1/2"
This 94" long Stair Nosing has a Bullnose end and is 5 1/2" wide. The Bullnose is 1 Inch thick on the front. This piece is a great way to transition from your staircase to a landing, step down, or step up. Each of these Transitions have a receiving end to fit with most 3/4" thick hardwood floors. $82.50Buy Now
Unfinished White Oak Baby Threshold
94" Long and 2" Wide - Use this White Oak Baby Threshold Transition Strip where your hardwood floor meets up to another floor of a different height/thickness. This Baby Threshold molding can be used to transition from your white oak hardwood to various other types of flooring, including carpet, tile, and even other hardwood flooring of a different thickness. $39.00Buy Now
Unfinished White Oak Quarter Round Molding
94" Long and 3/4" Wide and 3/4" High - Use this Unfinished White Oak Quarter Round Molding wherever your hardwood flooring meets up to a vertical surface, such as a wall, baseboard, cabinets, stairway, etc... Each piece of this unfinished white oak quarter round measures 3/4 Inch Wide, 3/4 Inch High, and 94" Long. This is the Full Quarter Round model, NOT the smaller size which should actually be called Shoe Molding. $14.75Buy Now
Unfinished White Oak Shoe Molding
94" Long - Use this Unfinished White Oak Shoe Molding in places where your hardwood flooring runs into a vertical surface, such as a baseboard, kitchen cabinet, built-in furniture, etc... This unfinished white oak shoe molding is 1/2" Wide x 3/4" High x 8 Feet Long. Shoe molding is very similar to Quarter Round, but it is a little bit narrower, therefore it is not quite as bulky as Quarter Round. $13.50Buy Now
Unfinished White Oak Reducer Strip - 3/4"
94" Long and 2 1/4" Wide - Use this Unfinished White Oak Reducer Strip to transition from your 3/4" thick white oak flooring down to thin floors like vinyl, linoleum, etc... This unfinished white oak reducer strip is 3/4" thick, and tapers down to about 1/8" at it's thinnest point. It is 2 1/4" wide and each piece is 8 feet long. $33.25Buy Now
Unfinished White Oak T Molding
94" Long and 2" Wide - Use this T-Molding Transition Strip where your hardwood floor meets up to any other hard surface flooring of equal or nearly-equal height. If your hardwood floor is transitioning to another hard surface floor that is 1/4" higher or lower, you should consider a Threshold instead of a T-Mold. $33.25Buy Now

Underlayment & Padding

Name Description
Hardwood Flooring Underlayment - Moisture Retarder Paper - $89/Roll - Free Shipping
500 SF roll of hardwood flooring underlayment. For use with all types of engineered and solid hardwood flooring for nail or staple down applications over wooden subfloors. FREE SHIPPING.
$89.00Buy Now


Name Description
Unfinished White Oak Cove Molding (Scotia)
3/4 x 3/4 x 94" Long - Use this Cove Molding (A.K.A. Scotia) where the stair riser meets the stair tread to create a complete, professional look in your stair case. Cove molding is also used where treads overhang the skirt-board on the side of a staircase. This type of trim is also referred to as Scotia. $14.75Buy Now
3 1/4″ #3 Common Unfinished Solid White Oak Flooring
$1.19 sq. ft.